Earning from learning

By John Readman | 10 January 2017

As Bristol City Council ends its second successful year as the UK’s first UNESCO Learning City, J...


Mind the skills gap

By Garry Phillips | 14 December 2016

Garry Phillips says it is time to build the partnership between councils, education and local emp...


Dugdale: Reverse attack on local democracy

By Sam Clayden | 07 December 2016

The Scottish Labour leader has outlined radical plans to reshape the UK into a federal state and ...


Future Forum North: Consultant's call to shorten recruitment process

By Dan Peters | 01 December 2016

Local government may need to refine its lengthy recruitment process to attract the highest calibr...


Skills are the missing link

By Alexandra Jones | 29 November 2016

Alexandra Jones argues that the Government is missing a key piece of the puzzle in its drive to a...


A Cinderella story on skills devolution

By Cllr Teresa O’Neill | 16 November 2016

Devolving power to shape London’s skills system would enable councils and the mayor to make signi...


Axe clunky corporatism to tackle skills shortfall

By Stephanie Flanders | 16 November 2016

Ahead of her speech to the London Councils Summit 2016, Stephanie Flanders argues that achieving ...


Central government must invest £1.1bn in housing

By Sam Clayden | 16 November 2016

Whitehall must invest £1.1bn a year into affordable housing, promote economic growth and devolve ...


A growing legal skills gap

By Hugh Peart | 16 November 2016

The process of cutbacks and service reforms mean an effective council legal team is more importan...


A powerful case of collaboration

By Allen Graham | 09 November 2016

Allen Graham explains how a local project has shown the importance of wider collaboration across ...


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council