More than 100,000 affordable care-ready homes for older people will need to be built over the nex...
Chief executives and senior managers working in counties are the most negative about the future o...
Through its wider vision and approach to growth and prosperity, East Midlands Councils has proved...
More councils should look at front office mergers to cope with future budget slashing, communitie...
Councils that still have hefty unsecured bank deposits should consider investing their money else...
Urban authorities have criticised government plans to top-slice funding for sector-led improveme...
The number of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) should fall after May’s General Election, comm...
A council is today expected to decide to launch a judicial challenge against communities secretar...
Significant and rising internal pressures on caseloads threaten the longer-term sustainability of...
A former minister has accused some councils of a ‘degree of complacency’ over the standard of the...
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