A former chairman of the Local Government Association has accused ministers of failing to acknowl...
Urban councils have warned they may be unable to deliver key services to poor, high-need areas wi...
Urban areas will today outline a fairer funding model that would establish the ‘true base cost of...
A cross-departmental minister for older people should be introduced to ensure that care for the e...
Matt Prosser has been confirmed as the new chief executive of North Dorset DC.
Government health and social care officials are still working to ensure three Better Care Fund (B...
Alternative measures should be introduced in cases where poorly-performing councils refuse to eng...
The chairman of East Midlands Councils has called for the Local Government Association (LGA) to a...
The MJ/LGiU study reveals fears over statutory duties and low funding, as local government financ...
The MJ’s fourth joint finance survey with the Local Government Information Unit makes clear counc...
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