Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Use housing benefit cash to fund new homes, GMB demands

By Laura Sharman | 03 June 2013

Government should invest half the money spent on housing benefit into building new social homes, ...

Lack of housing hindering economic recovery, report finds

By Laura Sharman | 31 May 2013

Survey from the National Housing Federation says economic growth in local communties has stalled ...

Derbyshire appoints acting chief executive

By Laura Sharman | 31 May 2013

Derbyshire CC has announced Ian Stephenson will become its acting chief executive following the d...

Council leaders in plea to bring local services into Treasury ring-fence

By Laura Sharman | 30 May 2013

The Government should widen the ring-fencing of health and schools budget to include other frontl...

Pressure group anticipating £2.6m cut to top-slice funds

By Laura Sharman | 29 May 2013

The LGA is predicting another £2.6m cut to its top slice funding.

Stafford invites staff to take over running of services

By Laura Sharman | 29 May 2013

Council employees in Stafford could take over the running of public services under a new scheme.

Osborne outlines 10% spending cuts for seven departments

By Laura Sharman | 28 May 2013

Chancellor George Osborne has said Seven departments have provisionally agreed to cut their budge...

Third sector will struggle to retain staff, finds report

By Laura Sharman | 17 May 2013

Retention will be a growing challenge for charities, with the number of qualified finance profess...

Scrutiny helps councils save £1.6m, says review

By Laura Sharman | 15 May 2013

According to a review by the Centre for Public Scrutiny, scrutiny is helping councils identify ov...

Dacorum appoints its first female chief executive

By Laura Sharman | 13 May 2013

Dacorum Borough Council has appointed Sally Marshall as its new chief executive.