Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Winners of the 2013 C'llr Achievement Awards

By Laura Sharman | 26 February 2013

The winners of the 2013 C'llr Achievement Awards have been announced, with Paul Bettison, leader ...

Warning over rise in council tax arrears

By Laura Sharman | 22 February 2013

According to forecasts by Council Tax Advisors,the number of people owing council tax arrears is ...

Pickles welcomes 219 councils freezing council tax

By Laura Sharman | 22 February 2013

Latest figures show that 219 councils are freezing council tax for 2013/14, a move welcomed by co...

Welsh public bodies spending £133m a year on consultants

By Laura Sharman | 21 February 2013

Report by the Auditor General for Wales says the Welsh public sector is failing to show how it ge...

Residents trust their local councils, survey finds

By Laura Sharman | 21 February 2013

Nearly two-thirds of residents say they trust their local council,according to a new survey from ...

Pickles calls for transparency on local government pay

By Laura Sharman | 20 February 2013

Councils should crack down on 'excessive' pay packages and put an end to six-figure pay-offs for ...

Four councils to share legal services

By Laura Sharman | 20 February 2013

Four councils have agreed to share legal services, a move which will save £600,000 over the next ...

Pension scheme signs up to infrastructure fund

By Laura Sharman | 18 February 2013

The LPFA has signed up to the Pensions Infrastructure Project,a £2bn investment fund that will de...

Charity launches £10m housing bond

By Laura Sharman | 15 February 2013

A £10m charity bond has been launched today to help buy homes for people with a learning disability.

Report warns government's pay policy is damaging economic growth

By Laura Sharman | 12 February 2013

Report from trade union pcs says the Government's reform of pay will cut almost £7bn a year from ...