Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Cornwall appoints interim chief

By Laura Sharman | 11 February 2013

A panel at Cornwall Council has recommended Paul Masters be appointed interim chief executive.

Scottish public services must work in collaboration, report finds

By Laura Sharman | 11 February 2013

New report from the Finance Committee says public services in Scotland must work in partnership, ...

Health will account for 50% of all public spending by 2060, report finds

By Laura Sharman | 31 January 2013

Health and social care could account for half of all public spending in 50 years time, according ...

Poorest face £600 council tax hike, study shows

By Laura Sharman | 31 January 2013

According to a new study by the Resolution Foundation council tax bills for the poorest household...

Third sector 'sceptical and confused' about Big Society

By Laura Sharman | 29 January 2013

New research by the Third Sector Research Centre says, charities are 'overwhelmingly sceptical' a...

LGA: Growth Bill could create planning blight

By Laura Sharman | 29 January 2013

Council leaders are warning that reforms to the planning system could leave local communities 'bl...

Social investment bank commits £100m to new projects

By Laura Sharman | 15 January 2013

The world's first social investment bank, Big Society Capital (BSC), has committed up to £100m in...

Lewis: 'no excuse' for raising council tax

By Laura Sharman | 07 January 2013

Local government minister, Brandon Lewis, warns councils have 'no excuse' for raising council tax...

Councils urged to reveal nationality of social housing tenants

By Laura Sharman | 03 January 2013

Councils accused of 'covering up' the number of social homes allocated to foreign nationals in a ...

Pickles announces new council tax arrangements

By Laura Sharman | 02 January 2013

Changes to council tax will allow households to spread bill payments over 12 months rather than 10.