Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Neill calls for pay transparency in local government

By Laura Sharman | 24 May 2012

Local government minister Bob Neill has written to council leaders calling for transparency on lo...

Whitehall to get to grips with spending cuts

By Laura Sharman | 27 April 2012

A new report by the Public Accounts Committee says Whitehall is failing to identify how departmen...

Councils urged to combine borrowing powers

By Laura Sharman | 17 April 2012

According to the NLGN think-tank, councils should band together and become 'social venture capita...

LGA warning over anti-social behaviour

By Laura Sharman | 05 April 2012

The LGA is warning councils must not be sidelined in tackling ant-social behaviour.

Poll finds public rejects regional pay cuts

By Laura Sharman | 30 March 2012

The majority of the general public believe Government proposals for regional pay are unfair, acco...

Government accepts proposals to save local high streets

By Laura Sharman | 30 March 2012

Councils are moving on from the Mary Portas report and have had several proposals accepted by Gov...

Pay for council chief executives 'grinds to a halt'

By Laura Sharman | 12 March 2012

Pay growth for local authority chief executives has ground to a halt - with median pay changes of...

Councils urged to press for greater local control

By Laura Sharman | 09 March 2012

According to the Local Government Association(LGA) councils should press Whitehall for greater lo...

Shapps brands tax-raising councils 'democracy dodgers'

By Laura Sharman | 01 March 2012

Some 15% of billing authorities are poised to snub the Government's cash offer to freeze council ...

TSA approves £1.3bn Chester merger

By Laura Sharman | 30 November 2011

Tenant Services Authority (TSA) approves £1.3bn merger between Chester & District Housing Trust a...