Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

London's business district under threat by new planning laws

By Laura Sharman | 16 June 2011

London's status as a world-class business environment threatened by changes to planning.

HCA exceeds its housing targets

By Laura Sharman | 15 June 2011

Despite tough economic conditions, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has exceeded its end of...

Gove has no regard for localism, lawyer argues

By Laura Sharman | 14 June 2011

A lawyer claims education secretary Michael Gove, has no time for localism in his department.

Cutting jobs and services is wrong decision, argues study

By Laura Sharman | 13 June 2011

Tackling corruption and increasing political competitiveness is more important than cutting jobs ...

Croydon plans to introduce community infrastructure levy

By Laura Sharman | 07 June 2011

Croydon LBC could replace Section 106 agreements with a community infrastructure levy (CIL) charg...

Councils report 1,000 community asset transfers are underway

By Laura Sharman | 06 June 2011

Councils report 1,000 asset transfers already underway according to a survey of councils by the A...

Businesses give approval to Liverpool's second BID

By Laura Sharman | 03 June 2011

Businesses in Liverpool’s commercial district have voted in favour of the area gaining Business I...

New Commission will generate 'radical ideas' for local government

By Laura Sharman | 03 June 2011

A new Commission will aim to develop new ways of thinking on localism and devolution of power to ...

UNISON calls on Pickles to 'get his facts right'

By Laura Sharman | 01 June 2011

Unison has criticised Eric Pickles for wrongly claiming that council pensions costs every househo...

Hospital beds lost to meet tough NHS cuts

By Laura Sharman | 31 May 2011

Hospital trusts are looking to cut up to 10% of their beds and reduce staff numbers to meet tough...