Author Profile

Claire Kober OBE

Claire Kober OBE

Articles by Claire Kober OBE

Institutional investment into housing must be scaled up

By Claire Kober OBE | 07 May 2024

The next Government will need to adopt a pragmatic approach to the housing crisis, acknowledging ...

Growing public awareness is an important step in galvanising action

By Claire Kober | 25 March 2024

With a General Election later this year, there’s a clear opportunity to build on the growing publ...

You can't solve ongoing service costs with one-off cash injections

By Claire Kober | 12 February 2024

Councils adopted a strategic approach to asset management many years ago; without it they simply ...

Local leaders need the tools to implement systemic solutions

By Claire Kober | 11 December 2023

Devolution of council tax and business rates, coupled with central Government infrastructure inve...

The sector faces a perfect storm

By Claire Kober | 30 October 2023

An overhaul of the improvement and intervention system is long overdue and must urgently take pla...

Funding reviews don't help in a crisis

By Claire Kober | 18 September 2023

The Government should return to the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis by detaching capital and...

How to grow a successful coalition

By Claire Kober | 19 June 2023

Giving serious consideration to the suitability of potential coalitions is an important step in s...

Effective politicians are comfortable in their own skin

By Claire Kober | 10 May 2023

Good political outcomes are not secured by alpha males exerting brute force and iron willpower, s...

It's not only our police services that face difficult days ahead

By Claire Kober | 28 March 2023

It’s easy to fall into the trap of dismissing the failings of the Metropolitan Police as a polici...

'Othering' is the most troubling aspect of the tragic case of Awaab Ishak

By Claire Kober | 14 December 2022

Claire Kober says that in seeking to learn the lessons of Awaab Ishak's death, the housing sector...