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MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

CQC case leaves sector on alert

By MJ Correspondent | 30 July 2014

An ‘unusual’ legal case could have implications for local government.

Mayor's victory to face election court inquiry

By MJ Correspondent | 30 July 2014

An election court will sit to judge whether independent Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman’s victo...

Hurried children's services consultation attacked in report

By MJ Correspondent | 30 July 2014

The Government has defended plans that would make the outsourcing of children’s services easier.

'All London pensions should join CIV'

By MJ Correspondent | 30 July 2014

Smaller council pension funds are more likely to benefit if London Councils opens up its flagship...

York follows Peterborough with launch of investment fund

By MJ Correspondent | 30 July 2014

York City Council could follow the example of their counterparts in Peterborough by launching an ...

Rahman legal challenge to go ahead

By MJ Correspondent | 29 July 2014

Independent Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman has had his High Court bid to block a challenge to ...

Government changes 'will put BCF at risk'

By MJ Correspondent | 25 July 2014

The BCF's aim to shift services towards prevention and early intervention has been put at risk, a...

CIPFA suspends Tremaine

By MJ Correspondent | 25 July 2014

An ex-council chief executive and section 151 officer has been suspended by his professional body.

London council hopes to generate £100k from hotels

By MJ Correspondent | 25 July 2014

Hackney LBC hopes to generate £100,000 in the first year for a new community fund after striking ...

Councillors to be exempted from paying tax on expenses

By MJ Correspondent | 25 July 2014

Travel expenses to councilors will be exempted from income tax and National Insurance.