Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Cuts hamper health integration

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

Cuts to council budgets are making the integration of health and social care more difficult, acco...

Cameron: Zero tolerance of state failure

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 May 2016

David Cameron has pledged to change the way local authorities help children in care with a new re...

Scottish council's debts will hit £1bn

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

Highland Council expects to have debts of more than £1bn within the next two years, according to ...

'Public support metro mayors'

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

The new generation of metro mayors has widespread public support, a new poll has claimed.

Second homes plan may face legal threat

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

Plans to crack down on second homes in St Ives owned by people living outside the area could be c...

Growth hub for Liverpool

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

Liverpool City Region local enterprise partnership (LEP) has launched a new platform to help busi...

Authorities get £1bn to build new homes

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

A £1bn fund to help local authorities build homes on their own land will complement the new gener...

Authorities want to move services to cut costs and improve outcomes

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 May 2016

More than two-thirds of councils are ‘actively’ looking at moving services to a council company o...

Social services to be assessed for end of life care

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 May 2016

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) watchdog is to start assessing social service departments on th...

Shock election defeat for Welsh minister

By Jamie Hailstone | 06 May 2016

The politician in charge of local government reorganisation in Wales has lost his seat on the Wel...