Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Skills minister introduces council scorecards

By MJ reporter | 27 July 2015

Councils will now be able to see how well they are getting young people into education, employmen...

District housing plans under threat

By MJ reporter | 27 July 2015

Districts could be forced to scrap plans to build an extra 42,000 homes over the next 30 years if...

Councils waste £14m/year keying in data

By MJ reporter | 22 July 2015

Around two million man-hours are being wasted every year through council staff manually keying in...

Scots seek full devolution of employment services

By MJ reporter | 22 July 2015

Scottish ministers have called for the devolution of social security and employment services duri...

Council plans wages cut in bid to save jobs

By MJ reporter | 22 July 2015

Walsall MBC has proposed cutting pay for all its staff by 2% as part of a range of measures desig...

CQC 'still has long way to go' warns NAO

By MJ reporter | 22 July 2015

The regulator at the centre of fierce criticism over alleged blunders has made good progress, acc...

WLGA: 'Give us fairer funding'

By MJ reporter | 14 July 2015

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has lobbied Welsh MPs in Westminster, calling for f...

Minister told to work with councils, not fight them

By MJ reporter | 08 July 2015

A Welsh Government minister has been accused of picking a fight with councils, rather than workin...

'Ambitious devo agenda' to 'unleash era of opportunity'

By MJ reporter | 08 July 2015

The shadow communities secretary has called for an ‘ambitious devolution agenda’ to be rolled out...

IoW battles to get £365k back from school contractor

By MJ reporter | 08 July 2015

The Isle of Wight Council is facing a legal battle to get £365,000 back from a school building co...