Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Lords want needs-based funding for devolution

By MJ reporter | 01 July 2015

Labour Lords have called for devolution to be accompanied by needs-based funding and multi-year f...

Get ready for £9.5bn funding gap in 2020 warns LGA

By MJ reporter | 01 July 2015

Councils could be facing a funding gap of £9.5bn by the end of the next Parliament, the Local Gov...

DCLG criticised over public land sale data

By MJ reporter | 24 June 2015

The National Audit Office has criticised the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCL...

Pickup sets sights on fair funding

By MJ reporter | 24 June 2015

The Local Government Association’s (LGA) new deputy chief executive, Sarah Pickup, has called for...

Meeting called to quell issues over health service funding

By MJ reporter | 09 June 2015

The leader of Plymouth City Council has called for a meeting with the chief executive of NHS Engl...

New rules could leave councils paying carers' pensions

By MJ reporter | 09 June 2015

Local authorities could end up footing the bill for carers’ pensions, under new guidelines, which...

Scots authorities spend £3m to lessen bedroom tax impact

By MJ reporter | 03 June 2015

Local authorities in Scotland have spent £3m more than originally predicted last year to mitigate...

Devolution of skills training 'will be a struggle'

By MJ reporter | 03 June 2015

Ministers will struggle to deliver three million apprenticeships unless they devolve new powers o...

Councils pledge to work to tap into region's potential

By MJ reporter | 03 June 2015

Hull City Council and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council have promised to work more closely tog...

Applicants sought for LGA top role

By MJ reporter | 03 June 2015

One of local government’s most influential roles – chief executive of the Local Government Associ...