Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Rural growth commission launched

By Jonathan Werran | 29 May 2014

LGA launches first-ever independent inquiry into the socio-economic potential of England’s shire ...

Tri-borough set for independent review

By Jonathan Werran | 28 May 2014

Leading Labour policy guru Lord Adonis to spearhead review into the flagship West London tri-boro...

Poll shows fallout from bedroom tax

By Jonathan Werran | 28 May 2014

Benefit claimants hit by bedroom tax forced to cut spending on food and heating, National Housing...

'No agenda' to privatise children's services

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2014

Ministers have denied there is an agenda to privatise the delivery of children’s services.

Police accept May's wide-reaching reforms

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2014

The Police Federation has capitulated into accepting proposals for wide-ranging reforms.

DUP gains most super council seats in Northern Ireland

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2014

The DUP has won the most number of councillors in the polls for the 11 new Northern Ireland ‘supe...

Whitehall experts slam Universal Credit performance 'reset'

By Jonathan Werran | 23 May 2014

Institute for Government queries decision of Major Projects Authority to give the Coalition’s bel...

Tri-borough arrangements face review as Labour gains Hammersmith & Fulham

By Jonathan Werran | 23 May 2014

Labour's victory in Hammersmith and Fulham LBC poses implications for the west London tri-borough...

Ministers hit back at PAC taunts of 'underwhelming' local growth progress

By Jonathan Werran | 23 May 2014

Ministers have defended the coalition’s progress in releasing cash for local growth projects, fol...

Public satisfaction high despite cuts

By Jonathan Werran | 22 May 2014

Public satisfaction has barely dropped despite councils facing 40% funding cutbacks, according to...