The chancellor hopes for growth by balancing tax rises and spending restraint, but the statement ...
Chris Tambini says that after the Autumn Statement local government is in a better place than we ...
In last week’s Autumn Statement chancellor Jeremy Hunt has pushed public spending cuts beyond the...
Local authorities could be forced to cut essential services as they face a collective funding gap...
This is not the time for setting unbalanced budgets, but it is also not the time to act as if cou...
Another round of cuts to local government funding would be ‘worse than the period of austerity’, ...
A charity has warned against cuts to public health as an analysis reveals that austerity under Co...
Steve Freer sets out some of the actions which need to be considered to achieve real progress in ...
Michael Burton says that in the end, taxes will have to rise: 'the public want their services, au...
Kathy O'Leary says we are 'not short of ideas to swap and support to offer, sparking off each oth...
We are seeking three experienced and dynamic Commissioning Managers to join our team. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dedicated Partnerships and Better Care Fund (BCF) Manager to join our Commissioning Service. Apply for this job
The Highways service area are looking to recruit to the exciting position of Highways Laboratory Services Manager. Apply for this job
We are seeking three experienced and dynamic Commissioning Managers to join our team. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dedicated Partnerships and Better Care Fund (BCF) Manager to join our Commissioning Service. Apply for this job
The Highways service area are looking to recruit to the exciting position of Highways Laboratory Services Manager. Apply for this job