District council leaders have welcomed a proposal that could increase planning fees to help over-...
‘Brave’ conversations could be the key to your organisation’s success and increase the chances of...
In the latest in a series of articles on how to avoid organisational failure, The MJ examines the...
Tom Warburton accessed many of Newcastle’s public and voluntary organisations to photograph a cit...
If we accept robots are indeed coming and we are unable to stop their march, we have to embrace ...
Poor behaviour by some councillors at Spelthorne BC is damaging the authority’s reputation and ca...
Director at Tile Hill Executive Recruitment Greg Hayes says chief executives need help from all l...
Councils have been urged to develop stronger succession plans for key children’s services roles a...
With the rise of AI filtering through to all areas of society, Dr Jonathan Carr-West looks at its...
There has never been a more demanding time to work in a senior leadership role in local governmen...
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job
In Adult Social Care we want to support every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home Apply for this job
Sheffield is a city on the rise, aiming to be the best place to live, work, and grow. Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job
In Adult Social Care we want to support every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home Apply for this job
Sheffield is a city on the rise, aiming to be the best place to live, work, and grow. Apply for this job