Nottingham City Council has been left without a permanent director of resources after withdrawing...
With a lot of movement within the sector since the pandemic began, Jonathon Sheppard assesses the...
Senior public sector officers discussed the challenges of recruitment and retention at a time of ...
The chief executive who quit troubled Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority amid a b...
Local government is facing the pinch with supply chain issues hitting services across the board, ...
Nancy Scott looks at the increased focus on public leaders at a time when diversity of thought ha...
Almost two-thirds of homecare providers are turning down referrals due to staff shortages, accord...
At a post-pandemic time where workers of all stages look to rethink their careers, conditions and...
Local and central government must prepare for the significant workforce challenges that will be p...
It’s a candidate’s market, says Gordon McFarlane who argues that local government must also focus...
If you want to make a difference in your next role this is one for you. Apply for this job
As a young and ambitious unitary authority, West Northamptonshire Council is an exciting place to work. Apply for this job
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If you want to make a difference in your next role this is one for you. Apply for this job
As a young and ambitious unitary authority, West Northamptonshire Council is an exciting place to work. Apply for this job
Step into a leadership role managing a strong legal team in a fast-moving, politically dynamic environment Apply for this job