Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Children's services 'as big a headache' as adult social care

By Sam Clayden | 16 November 2016

The £1.9bn funding gap in children’s services by 2020 is expected to cause ‘just as big a headach...

UKMBA bond 'ready to launch'

By Sam Clayden | 16 November 2016

The UK Municipal Bonds Agency (UKMBA) is expected to launch its first bond before the end of the ...

Central government must invest £1.1bn in housing

By Sam Clayden | 16 November 2016

Whitehall must invest £1.1bn a year into affordable housing, promote economic growth and devolve ...

STPs are the 'right thing done badly'

By Sam Clayden | 14 November 2016

Controversial NHS sustainability and transformation plans are the ‘right thing done badly,’ accor...

Liverpool considers council tax referendum

By Sam Clayden | 14 November 2016

Liverpool City Council could be the first authority to hold a referendum to ask residents whether...

Delayed transfers hit record highs

By Sam Clayden | 11 November 2016

Delayed transfers have hit record highs, prompting fears that councils and health organisations w...

Scottish councils face £1bn shortfall

By Sam Clayden | 10 November 2016

A group of four Scottish local authorities has warned it could face a funding gap of up to £1bn b...

Peers defeat Children and Social Work Bill 'exemption clause'

By Sam Clayden | 09 November 2016

Peers have defeated a clause in the Children and Social Work Bill that would exempt councils from...

Positive signs for Birmingham despite predicted overspend

By Sam Clayden | 09 November 2016

Birmingham City Council is on course to overspend by £49m this year, but has been praised for mak...

Fund warned: 'Live within your means'

By Sam Clayden | 09 November 2016

A group of West Midlands councils has refused to bail out the region’s pension fund, which is fac...