Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Javid committed to extend pledge to match EU funding

By Sam Clayden | 09 November 2016

Sajid Javid has extended the Government’s commitment to match all EU funding agreements signed of...

Positive signs for Birmingham despite predicted overspend

By Sam Clayden | 09 November 2016

Birmingham City Council is on course to overspend by £49m this year, but has been praised for mak...

Javid 'does not know' impact of Right to Buy on councils

By Sam Clayden | 08 November 2016

Communities secretary sajid Javid has admitted he does not know what impact the Government's righ...

Health charities: Prioritise care funding over NHS

By Sam Clayden | 08 November 2016

A coalition of influential health charities has urged the chancellor to prioritise the £1.9bn soc...

Greening: Great social work should not be prescribed or defined by ministers

By Sam Clayden | 04 November 2016

Good social care should not be ‘defined’ by central government, the education secretary insisted ...

'Harder choices ahead' as Drakeford sets out timetable for reform

By Sam Clayden | 03 November 2016

Welsh councils must use the next 18 months to prepare for the ‘harder choices that lie ahead,’ Ma...

Child refugee support 'compromised by wholly inadequate funding'

By Sam Clayden | 03 November 2016

The abilities of councils to meet the needs of child refugees is being undermined by ‘wholly inad...

Pan-Yorkshire devolution talks resurface

By Sam Clayden | 02 November 2016

Momentum is building behind a pan-Yorkshire devolution deal after North Yorkshire CC’s leader sai...

Scottish councils want 'Manchester-style' devolution deals

By Sam Clayden | 02 November 2016

A group of Scottish councils has called for ‘Manchester-style’ devolution deals, claiming first m...

Chiefs 'must put pride on line' to improve accounts closures

By Sam Clayden | 01 November 2016

Council executive teams must be willing to stake their reputation on the early and quality produc...