Author Profile

Mark Fletcher-Brown

Mark Fletcher-Brown is a former communications consultant

Articles by Mark Fletcher-Brown

Rising to the crisis management challenge

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 02 July 2024

The way to survive crises within your council is to expect and plan for them, says Mark Fletcher-...

Making a statement: why you shouldn't dodge interviews

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 05 December 2017

The practice of giving the media a statement rather than putting up candidates for interviews ris...

Listen well and speak frankly

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 26 July 2017

Don’t just deliver a line. Tackle tough questions head-on, says Mark Fletcher-Brown and open up a...

Start in the middle

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 25 May 2017

Mark Fletcher-Brown explains why getting middle management on board is one of the most important ...

Squeezing the assets

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 19 May 2017

Mark Fletcher-Brown offers 10 tips for councils embracing commercialism.

Something to believe in

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 28 March 2017

Mark Fletcher-Brown says that in order to effectively manage change your staff must believe in yo...

Lifting the mood of your business

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 14 March 2017

As councils increasingly pursue new business interests, it is vital to empower staff to embody th...

Time for a new council/citizen relationship

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 07 March 2017

What we might once have expected from public services is no longer on offer. Mark Fletcher-Brown ...

Making the most of communications

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 14 February 2017

Mark Fletcher-Brown asks whether senior management teams are getting the returns they need out of...

Now it's time for the real leaders to step up

By Mark Fletcher-Brown | 08 February 2017

Mark Fletcher-Brown looks at the elements that make up a successful leader and how effective expo...