Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Town halls cut 9 out of 10 public sector jobs in Q3, figures show

By Luke Barras-Hill | 15 December 2011

Quarterly statistics from the Office For National Statistics show local government is still beari...

Osborne's Mr Micawber act

By Jonathan Werran | 15 December 2011

Revised growth forecasts, regional public sector pay and budget details mask fact chancellor need...

Filing reform into the waste paper basket

By Jonathan Werran | 15 December 2011

Open public services white paper is consigned to Whitehall's dustbin. Rip it up and start again ...

Peers reject spare room benefits cutback

By Jonathan Werran | 15 December 2011

House of Lords reject government plans to cut weekly rent allowances to social housing tenants wi...

Staff facing third year without pay increase

By Jonathan Werran | 14 December 2011

Council staff face third year's pay freeze despite recognition sector’s workforce has lowest aver...

Ex-chief is custom-made for new role at Revenue

By Jonathan Werran | 14 December 2011

Former Birmingham City Council chief executive, Lin Homer, appointed permanent secretary of HM Re...

Union fury over plans to axe pay bargaining

By Jonathan Werran | 14 December 2011

Public sector trade unions attack as 'economically incoherent' chancellor George Osborne’s plan t...

Lansley's threshold move fails to defuse pensions row

By Jonathan Werran | 14 December 2011

Health secretary, Andrew Lansley, fails to calm NHS pensions fears despite raising threshold for...

Road budget costs could be unsustainable, NAO warns

By Jonathan Werran | 14 December 2011

Watchdog warns spending review cuts risk financially unsustainable budget reductions in road main...

Ministers praise South East's improvement and growth bodies

By Jonathan Werran | 13 December 2011

Councils in the South East can seek the expertise of an improvement and efficiency partnership wh...