The election campaign so far has already shown us that not all stated promises or denials should ...
Westminster City Council has lost a landmark legal challenge at the UK’s highest court, with impl...
Labour leaders have claimed the party’s devolution blueprint would benefit English local authorit...
Council services face a hammering in next year’s spending review if the soaring costs of health a...
Ten fewer English councils accepted cash inducements to freeze council tax in 2015/16 than in th...
Health expenditure has more than doubled in the last two decades, figures have revealed.
Cornwall Council leader Cllr John Pollard has called on the leaders of the main political parties...
Chair of the communities and local government select committee Clive Betts has accused ministers ...
Rosssendale BC has appointed Stuart Sugarman as its new chief executive - as long-standing Pendle...
Ministers will this week set out measures which would make it easier to dismiss council chief exe...
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