Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Maude expects annual £3bn savings from central purchasing team

By Jonathan Werran | 03 June 2011

Whitehall departments may save up to £3bn a year from the centralised purchasing of common goods ...

Union fury at Service Birmingham's 'outrageous' offshoring decision

By Jonathan Werran | 03 June 2011

Unions have called on Birmingham City Council to halt plans to outsource more than 70 IT jobs to ...

Ex-NAO boss doubts savings can be made

By Jonathan Werran | 01 June 2011

Sir John Bourn, former head of the National Audit Office, has cast further doubt over the Governm...

Whitehall spending £56m daily on private firms, figures show

By Jonathan Werran | 01 June 2011

Figures show Whitehall spending £56m daily on private firms despite the Coalition Government pled...

South Tyneside Twitter storm

By Jonathan Werran | 31 May 2011

Twitter has released account details to South Tyneside council to unmask the author of allegedly ...

Birmingham's £600,000 legal costs branded 'indefensible'

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2011

Birmingham City Council faces legal costs of up to £600,000 following a High Court ruling.

Broadband boost for rural areas

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2011

Rural communities across the east of England could be enjoying access to broadband for the first ...

Lord Hanningfield convicted in expenses case

By Jonathan Werran | 26 May 2011

Lord Hanningfield has today been found guilty on six counts of false accounting.

Councils urged to adopt holistic approach to property

By Jonathan Werran | 26 May 2011

Councils have been urged to adopt a strategic 'one public estate' approach to managing their prop...

Pickles challenges Nottingham: 'Show me the money'

By Jonathan Werran | 26 May 2011

Eric Pickles has opened up a new front in his campaign to force Nottingham City Council to make d...