Children’s services chiefs have defended the use of hiring expert troubleshooters on controversia...
Children’s care inspectorate Ofsted has denied a link between the recently-announced departure of...
Council chief executives are getting less positive about the future and are enjoying their jobs l...
Ideas about what should be in an overarching statement of ethics for senior public service manage...
Anne Canning is the new director of education and head of Hackney Learning Trust at Hackney LBC.
Female genital mutilation is an appalling abuse. Cllr David Simmonds outlines the LGA’s plans to ...
Phil Neal joins senior leaders in children’s services to look at how early help and proactive inn...
‘Staying Put’ is a scheme that enables young people to remain with their carers up to age 21. Ali...
A ring-fenced fund to support councils and other bodies redesign local services could reduce spen...
Craig Dearden-Phillips analyses the last five years of the public service mutual drive in local g...
In Camden, we’ve got a proud history of standing up to injustice and tackling inequality together. Apply for this job
Action today for a brighter tomorrow Apply for this job
Premium jobThe newly created Lancashire Combined County Authority (LCCA) will empower local decision makers to be the leading voice in the region Apply for this job
In Camden, we’ve got a proud history of standing up to injustice and tackling inequality together. Apply for this job
Action today for a brighter tomorrow Apply for this job
Premium jobThe newly created Lancashire Combined County Authority (LCCA) will empower local decision makers to be the leading voice in the region Apply for this job