It is time to stand up and say 'enough is enough'

By John Tizard | 31 October 2022

This is not the time for setting unbalanced budgets, but it is also not the time to act as if cou...


Warning council staff could strike again within weeks

By Laura Sharman | 24 October 2022

Local government workers in Scotland could be back on strike within weeks, trade unions have warned.


MPs call for senior roles for planners

By Martin Ford | 21 October 2022

MPs have called for councils to be forced to have a planning officer on their senior leadership t...


Hunt must protect the frontline and fend off the bond markets

By Michael Burton | 19 October 2022

Michael Burton says that in the end, taxes will have to rise: 'the public want their services, au...


Further headaches for elections staff

By Martin Ford | 19 October 2022

Concerns have been raised in the wake of speculation over rescheduled bank holidays to mark the c...


How to win the war to attract talent

By Gordon McFarlane | 19 October 2022

In the context of a tough public sector recruitment market and the cost of living crisis, Gordon ...


Doing the basics right and doing them well

By Graeme McDonald | 18 October 2022

Those present at the Solace Summit in Birmingham relayed a sense of remarkable resilience in the ...


The Coronation crowns electoral headaches

By Ian Miller | 18 October 2022

Returning officer Ian Miller explains why it’s crucial that any changes to bank holidays around t...


'Mistrust and dysfunction' at Middlesbrough

By Martin Ford | 17 October 2022

A breakdown in relations between officers and members at Middlesbrough Council has been highlight...


Solace Summit: Recruitment crisis laid bare

By Martin Ford | 13 October 2022

The scale of the recruitment crisis facing councils has been laid bare at the Solace Summit.