Claire Mansfield

  • Developing a creed to lead

    18 January 2017

    The role of councils and the way they operate is evolving dramatically to reflect the changing world. Claire Mansfield believes the workforce has to be front and centre if authorities are going to keep pace with change

  • Get smart budgeting

    02 December 2014

    NLGN calls for councils to follow through on the strategic planning changes by also altering approach to financial planning, bringing it into line with an outcomes based approach, write Claire Mansfield & Maia Beresford.

  • The show must go on

    13 August 2014

    With the recent launch of the NLGN’s On with the Show research, Emma Burnell argues the case for councils to keep arts and culture in their economic sights

  • A healthy approach to spending

    27 March 2014

    Dr Claire Mansfield takes issue with the BMJ's warnings over local government's role in public health - differently does not mean badly.

  • Why art aid pays off

    10 April 2013

    Claire Mansfield explains why supporting the arts may be more lucrative than expected.