Paul Hackett

  • Partnership working on housing is vital

    13 May 2019

    Chair of the G15 group Paul Hackett says we owe it to the communities we serve to combine our different skills, expertise and approach to provide the homes and thriving neighbourhoods that are so desperately needed.

  • Factor inclusivity in from day one

    09 April 2019

    Tackling social exclusion cannot end at the planning committee or once legal agreements are signed, according to Paul Hackett.

  • MJ HOUSING: Addressing stigmatisation

    28 November 2018

    The G15 group representing London’s housing associations welcomes the social housing Green Paper’s focus on tackling tenants’ feelings of stigma. Paul Hackett explains how the organisation wants to help with this through collaborating with councils.

  • A renaissance in council-built homes

    16 October 2017

    Paul Hackett comments on the findings of a new Smith Institute report and argues local housing companies are leading the renaissance in council-built homes.