We need action, not a taskforce

By Michael Burton | 22 February 2022

The Levelling Up White Paper announced a taskforce into the lack of housing with care for the ret...


Integrated care systems are the ideal way of levelling up

By Rob Webster | 22 February 2022

Rob Webster outlines the scale of the health and social care levelling up challenge in West Yorks...


The recipe for integration lacks some key ingredients

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 22 February 2022

Dr Eleanor Roy of CIPFA sets out what is required if the vision of the integration White Paper is...


Breaking down plans to join up the health and care workforce

By Lucinda Allen | 22 February 2022

Failure to address widespread workforce problems could hinder government’s integration agenda, sa...


Health and care needs adequate resources directed to where they are most needed

By Cllr David Fothergill | 22 February 2022

Cllr David Fothergill welcomes the LGA’s voice in the tone and focus of the integration White Pap...


We need a culture change on care

By Deborah Rozansky | 22 February 2022

By focusing on the enablers of integration, the new White Paper offers the scope for accelerating...


'Wicked questions' need resolving on health and care integration

16 February 2022

The integration White Paper will help move the NHS towards a new partnership with local governmen...


Councillors allowed to join integrated care boards

By Martin Ford | 10 February 2022

Controversial guidelines excluding councillors from Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are to be withd...


What does the new world order look like for local government?

By Trevor Holden | 07 February 2022

Going back to the way the world was before the pandemic and returning to old ways of working woul...


Are councils boarding the ICS bus?

By Ann McGauran | 26 January 2022

Integrated care systems are the cornerstone of the Government’s health and care reforms, but are ...


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Mansfield District Council

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Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

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